Monday 2 June 2008

A Day in Seward

On Thursday, my family - made up of Mum, Dad, Gramma, and me - went to Seward for the day. My Gramma wanted to buy a Russian nesting doll, and there is a wonderful little shop over there with enough things to divert my interest for well over an hour. Since it was a long car ride, I took my notebook and got quite a bit of work done on a new story which I've promised myself to have finished by my nineteenth birthday. (I must set goals or I'll never finish!)

The sun was shining brightly when we left Naptown, but as it always is in Seward, it was cloudy and chilly when we arrived. After a brief lunch, we walked to the shop, and thankfully it was open. Gramma found herself a nesting doll, and then we all found other things besides.
I've always liked the hair barrettes, lacquer work, that the Russian girls wear, and finally bought some, although not for myself. One is for my Mum's birthday present - yes, I know it's a little late! - and the other is for a friend. I won't say whom so that she'll be surprised when she gets it.
While not an Eastern Orthadox, the beauty of the iconography in their churches has captured my attentions... I didn't buy this, but I did like it very much. Perhaps one day I will.
Also, I was intrigued by these adorable corn husk dolls with their cornsilk hair. The flowers were very pretty, and I like the bright colours of the handpainted skirts. Too bad the dolls don't have faces, since they can't see how lovely they are or how much they are admired.
I thought I'd also post a few pictures of other things that I admired, which included window shopping because some weren't open yet... unfortunately.
This was a lacquered box that tells the story of Vasalissa the Fair. This is the part where she goes to a castle...
A group of maidens dancing on a pretty green... let's just say it got my imagination going!
These are foam fairies... I like the pipe-playing one a lot. And Mum liked the bird below...

After everything was done, we went over to Brown's and bought some gelato to refresh us. Mine was blueberry, like Dad, and Mum got some strawberry. I'm not sure what Gramma got, but we all enjoyed it. (Though it was very expensive! That's why we don't go there often.)
I'm not sure if Gramma's glaring at me, or waiting for me to take the picture. The stuff on the table isn't ours, just if you were wondering: we are not that messy!
Mum actually let me take her picture! And she held still so that it didn't blurr.
Dad held still too! And I won't bother you with pictures of mine, since it was identical to his, although in a smaller size.
Although I would have liked to have got other things done, it was a nice day after all. And it made me thankful that all the snow in Naptown is gone, because there was still some in Seward!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, okay, I will definitely have to visit someday and then you can show me where that shop is. I've just spent about five minutes admiring all the wares in your pictures! The pegasus or whatever it is, behind the bird, also looks fantastic, and the box is beautiful. Vasalissa . . . I know I've read the story somewhere, but I can't remember it right now.

    Perhaps it's actually for the best that that shop is hundreds and hundreds of miles away, because I don't think I could be thrifty enough; I'd probably go broke ;)

    And your notebook's gorgeous. Every year I save my money to spend at the Irish Renaissance Fair, where there's some really beautiful writing materials and clothes and stuff. I bought my favorite notebook there a couple years ago. I'll have to take a picture to send to you.

    Oh, and your family looks so pleasant. I like your mother's sweater. Looks like you had a charming outing!



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