Friday 13 June 2008

What a Day for a Birthday

No, not because it's Friday and the thirteenth. Belle turned six today, but it wasn't the sort of day you'd want for a birthday, no matter how old you are.

First, Tink was finally better, but they fought in the morning and had to spend a while in time out. Then follow that with a longish ride into Slow-Town. By the time we got to the OCS office, Belle wasn't looking very happy. She just looked plain troubled. They went inside and Mum and I left, as the girls visited their father, and later, their mother.

Meanwhile, Mum and I went to the store, because we'd been given vouchers for the girls. First I had to fill up Sherwood, at 128.01 dollars. Mum practically had a heart-attack right there. When I went to pay, I was thinking about asking the cashier if she knew how to do CPR. But they had a new guy in training (I actually know him), and he was fumbling enough already that I didn't want him to have the heart-attack too. After that fiasco, we went shopping for a few hours, only to discover that OCS hadn't paid their tab with the store, and so the store didn't honour the vouchers. So, very tired and slightly over-stressed, we headed back to pick up the girls.

After a bit to eat, and some snuggle time in the Sherwood, we picked Harrison up from his friend's house and went to the beach. If only it had been warm... But that's daydreaming in Alaska. Belle seemed to be happier there. Then we went to my piano instructor's home for a barbeque. She still seemed subdued, and it was late by the time we got home.

She came down to my bedroom and sat a my stomach, looking solemnly into my eyes. "What a day for a birthday."

"I know honey." I gave her a hug. "Don't worry, we'll have cake and presents on Sunday."

"Why? Today was great. Your teacher gave me a chocolate crepe."

Apparently, chocolate crepes are enough to salvage the bad beginnings, and middles, of a day. I think I will go learn how to make crepes.

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