Wednesday 23 July 2008

Having Fun

I think I should have called this post: Why Harrison Is Also Called The Random Boy.

Due to things at court and with the foster system, my family was once again stressed. Theophilus, in effort to make light of a certain comment, brought about the following.

Theophilus: Belle! Are you having fun here, playing with Harrison?

Belle: Yep!

Harrison: Who?

I guess they had so much fun that Harrison quite forgot who he was. Or why Theophilus would be talkin about him. But he is very random. I love him for it.

Also, I have a habit of when I'm cold, I wrap a small blanket around my shoulders like a cape and run around with it. When I was little, Theophilus and I thought we were super-heroes, unless I was using my red blanket, which meant I was a Roman general. Today, Tink started running around and I overheard her. "Where's my flyer?"

"What's that?"

"I lost my flyer thingy!" Then diving onto her bed, she produced a blanket. "Here it is! I can fly now."

"How's that, Tink?"

"When you're cold, you wrap this around and fly, 'cause flying makes you warm."

I guess in her own logic, it works.

This afternoon, I wrote several letters, each with my blue pen. Belle asked me why humans don't have blue hair. After trying to explain a little, she then asked why she couldn't have a hairy face like Theophilus (who is getting a beard going). Finally, to appease her, I asked if she would really want to have a blue mustache or beard. She said yes. In a crazy whim, I drew her a mustache, which she duly admired in the bathroom. Mum isn't a fan of drawing on people, so I washed it off immediately. Only to have Belle ask why Theophilus' beard wasn't blue too. Sometimes, I just should not respond to my quirky sense of humor. At least Belle likes it. After all, she's the only girl I've ever known who got to sport a blue mustache. (Quite a full one too!)

Today is just one of those days where the adults in our family need to see there is something to smile or laugh about still. It isn't always going to be dealing with politics and petty regulations. After all, these kids just seem to want to make us smile.

1 comment:

  1. Great post!

    After all, these kids just seem to want to make us smile.

    Isn't that every child's dream for everyday they live: to make someone smile? Your thoughts on this post were very inspiring and reminded me of some of the things God's been tossing around in my stubborn, hard head. Thanks for posting that. I hope your day/week gets better!

    I love your blog and the way you write! I bookmarked you and will be sure to check back often. :) On second thought, I'm sticking you right in my bloglines. :P


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