A few days ago, when Leah and her mother came to visit us, they invited us to come down to the beach to see them. We took them up on their word yesterday, and spent a little while there. No, it wasn't a warm beach, it was by the river, and there were people fishing.
We got there a little early, and so we waited in the dunes, which were covered in tall grasses. Dad lay down, and Mum sat nearby, and I was both knitting and snapping shots...

The girls had fun running through the tall grass, and I had fun photographing them!

After a bit, and when almost all of us kids had gone at least one time on the four-wheeler, we headed over to Leah's house, which our family had never been to before.
This is the side of their house, which I think is so beautiful! It's the way that log houses
should look. I fell in love with their house, which is really just a piece of art, and took many pictures. (No, Leah, I won't stop!)

Becky, Leah's mother, has beautiful plants, and I adore her orchid plants! I wanted to take this one home with me, but I knew that wouldn't be allowed, so I restrained myself to taking pictures of it.

They have these wonderful light fixtures, and I liked how their vines rambled around it.

Leah showed me Becky's room, and I noticed that in one of the mirrors, there was this reflection of a painting which I couldn't otherwise see. Even Theophilus noticed it.

Mum and I are calling this
The Peacock Light. Doesn't it just look like a peacock's tail feathers?

In their greenhouse, the flowers looked absolutely gorgeous. I really want ours to start blooming now.

Here a few of us are walking up the hill to look at the amazing view of the inlet. Doesn't Leah's lawn just look lush and great, compared the rest of Alaska right now? (As in, no one else seems to have nice grass in yet.)

Leah finally smiled for the camera! I promised her that I'd only put the ones of her that she allowed, and I think this was the only one which passed. She's even pickier than I am.

I have a fascination with coals and embers. It just looks like something that would be nice to eat. No, I've never tried to touch one, but they're just so pretty!

Theophilus is the offical marshmellow roaster, and he didn't want me to take a picture of this one, because he said it was deformed.

Hotdogs were the first fare of the night...

Followed by salmon, which I actually really liked, and a batch of cinnamon rolls.

I like their Dutch Oven, and Dad buried it nicely with coals.

But we left them in a little too long, so they were blacken on the tops and bottoms.

The insides, however, were the best I've ever had.

It took a bit of team-work to do the salmon properly. But between my dad and Becky, they got it flipped, and it was delicous.

We really had very little trash, as we threw almost everything on the fire. Very convienent.

I was surprised that I could actually take something of a sunset picture, as we almost never have evening sunsets in the summer. But there were some nice colours, and an illusion of the sun going down.

Nothing is really more fun and inviting than a nice, roaring campfire with friends. It was a beautiful night.