Thursday 16 April 2009


Spring is coming. It's here, actually.
I sat out on the swing for a long time today. (Was I really napping? O.O) The sun was out. It was pretty... The birds were all singing.
Then I saw a robin- which is the sign that spring is definitely here!
Later on, I went splashing around in the mud-puddles and returned a bit of me to my childhood.
However, I came in when the other sign of spring came.
I forgot how much I hate misquitoes.


  1. All hail the Alaska state bird. In the summers, we were one of the lucky few that had a mosquito magnet, so I could get away with keeping my window open, but the odd three or four would get in. I still remember scrubbing the blood off the walls from when I smacked them.

    Best part about living in Yuma.

  2. You and Stuart alike! Here we call them mossies. :)

  3. I thought you wrote that you hated misquotes, haha.
    But I agree about mosquitoes. Horrid, ugly, malicious buggers. Ugh, ugh, ugh. They get quite big and voracious here in HI. *shudders*

  4. Well, misquotes are pretty evil too. Unless, of course, they're humorous. Heh.

  5. I find it funny that in order to have misquotes, you must first misread and misquote what I said... I know. I have an odd sense of humour....



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