Tuesday 27 May 2008

Kitty Days

Some days, I want to be a cat and just curl up asleep on the warm rug.

Then I've always wondered what my cat is thinking... and I want to be able to warm my nose with a furry tail and look mysterious all at the same time!But other days, I could be awake and curious about my surroundings. I could jump and leap, and no one else would know why.

And I could rest, and watch over the people I live with. And lay on the nice afghans, and purr when someone is nice to me.

But then I think: Don't I do that already?


  1. 'Sometimes I wonder what my cat is thinking'--My dear Linden, have you never read JRR Tolkien's 'Cat' poem??

    Just kidding. Oh, and I don't comment on every post, but just know that I read them all and enjoy them all, okay?

    (I'm not a cat person, but that picture of the cat with the tail on its nose is very cute!)


  2. Um, I don't believe I've ever read it... are you serious that he wrote a poem about a cat? I must find it! Thanks for the note about commenting, I understand. My cat's in an evil mood right now, so that sneaky picture is very apt...



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