Wednesday 21 May 2008

I've Walked

Yesterday at four o'clock in the afternoon, I walked down the aisle and sat with ninety other kids for nearly three hours. Then they called my name, I walked across the stage, and my dad handed me my diploma. After all these years, it's hard to believe that I'm graduated from high school. School in general, actually, since I'm not certain if I will be attending college. I thought Mum was going to cry, but she held together. My dad's parents and his uncle and aunt came as well, and so I thought I might have been the one crying. But I was too happy and was prone to being random and laughing at the jokes in my head.

I saw some kids that I haven't talked to in years and met others that I've never seen before and likely won't again. We all laughed and celebrated together, and then left. I don't think the entirety of the reality of graduation has set in, especially now being an "adult". I'll post photos later. I think most of them were taken by my dad and grandparents. I was obviously a bit busy during most of it.
What joy is mine!

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