Saturday, 31 May 2008
Field At Sunset
Friday, 30 May 2008
Notes From Jenn
"Hey girly-o, I'm so proud of you. ^-^ The adorable blonde girl I met years ago, who couldn't keep upright on her skates, has become this adorable blonde lady who's so talented, whimsical and silly as the day we met. That's so amazing!
Everything that you do you do the very best that you can. That's something to be proud of girly. So give yourself a big smile, throw confetti, hire a band, and all that good stuff. ^_^ And, at the risk of sounding like some cheesey high school movie; don't ever change!
Things change, girly-o. People move around, they move out, and move on, and a lot of times we can't do anything about it.
But no matter what, you'll always be my Moriko-chan, my Willow-sister, my blonde-haired elf girl, and my dear, dear friend. Always. ^-^
I'll always be glad about falling on my butt that day at the skating rink... because I landed next to you."
I haven't quoted the whole thing, some of it is far to personal for that. But Jenn, just know that I love you too... and I'm glad that we both couldn't skate because if we had been fast like everyone else, we would have just skated past each other and none of this would have happened. Our paths are seperating this summer, but our hearts are not.
Harrison and the Zapper
Harrison has deemed himself the "Official Zapper". So today, as we were sitting on the swing, he was faithfully discharging his duty. However, I noticed that a lone mosquito had lodged onto Harrison's arm.
"Hey, look to your left arm."
He shook his arm. "Don't worry, I've got it covered!" And then he swung that zapper up to truncate the bug's life indefinitely. But he missed and ended up zapping himself and doing a jumping jive all over the deck.
Yes, he had it covered, and can now tell that yes, the bugs do feel pain and the zapper really does work. Quite well. He found out through an electrifying experience.
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Gifts from Graduation
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
The Graduation Party
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Kitty Days
Monday, 26 May 2008
Saturday, 24 May 2008
You Are In Cranford Now

Then last night, my Gramma revealed that she'd never watched it before, and so I'd finally beaten her to a period drama. So I began it all over again, and we watched about half of it last night, until nearly midnight when she decided it was high-time to go to bed.
The series has wonderful quotes and highly amusing portrayals of the lives of various inhabitants of the town of Cranford. Now some of the ladies annoy me with their silliness or Mrs. Bennett-like behaviour, but others have quite won their ways into my heart. I find myself wrapped up in the intricate, confusing lives of the spinster ladies (who have too much time on their hands!) and the men whom they confuse, especially poor Doctor Harrison.
One of their dresses would make a lovely present, but I know that I haven't the time to make one. And I don't know Kat or Jhaniel's sizes, and I doubt they'd really wish to wear one, but if I could, I would still make them one. (Hint to Kat or Jhaniel: if you do like them, send me your sizes and perhaps I'll find a way to make you one!) Mum complains that I'm talking like them, and I am daydreaming of writing lengthy letters, drinking tea and visiting the way Miss Matty and Mary Smith do. And I'm wishing that I was like Jessie Brown, with that lovely Scotch officer always waiting for her...
But instead, I'm just an American teenager who's preparing for a graduation party who is surrounded by jean-clad girls and not so great tea. Oh well, perhaps one day I'll hear someone like Miss Deborah Jenkyns say: "You are in Cranford now."

Friday, 23 May 2008
Memories In Photos
Most of my photos are of our foster kids and such. I can't post those, but I was filled with memories as I paged through hundreds of shots of the little girls, and my special boy. Of course, there were photos of the other boys, but my special boy had way more - about as many as the little girls.
I found the file when we went to a glacier a few hours away from Naptowne, and nearly burst into tears when I saw Tink in a pack Theophilus carried, resting her little head against his. And then there were several of Belle dancing on the path, and Annastasia twining green and gold leaves into her long, dark hair. I think that the best pictures I've taken of people, especially my family, are those outside, and children running around are wonderful. And my boy Norwood was extremely photogenic, and I adored photographing him. His grin and charisma transfer easily to pictures, and they lighten my mood and just cheer me up so well.
I miss them all, and wish that they were still here. Of course, it's wonderful that they are with their family, but I still love them and think of them as my brother and sisters. I'll love Harrison and Lance too, but there's always a special spot in my heart for my Tink, Belle, Annastasia and Norwood.
What joy is mine!
And She'll Be Gone...
I hope you'll join me in praying for the family.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
My Life in Photographs

Yes, I drove back then too... and I don't honk my horn anymore. But watch out for me around town!
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
I've Walked
I saw some kids that I haven't talked to in years and met others that I've never seen before and likely won't again. We all laughed and celebrated together, and then left. I don't think the entirety of the reality of graduation has set in, especially now being an "adult". I'll post photos later. I think most of them were taken by my dad and grandparents. I was obviously a bit busy during most of it.
What joy is mine!
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Mum's Birthday
I also wanted to share with you some thing which was published on May 19th, 1958. Just to show you what was being read the day after my dear Mum was born.
Doesn't he look young there? Well, my Mum was a cute baby, but I don't think she'd like me to share any pictures of herself, now or then. Perhaps one day...
Monday, 19 May 2008
Last weekend, I was up in Anchorage and Mum decided we were to pay a visit to the largest greenhouse in the state. I'd never been in there before, but the idea of getting more herbs for my herb garden was quite appealing.
Little did I know that this greenhouse also had another section. They had crystal jewelry, stationary, and assorted knick-knacks that even my Grandmother would have a hard time beating their collection. After a while of aimless wandering, I discovered a tiny little side room full of clear glassware.
This goblet caught my fancy, and I decided that Kat had a certain point with liking clear dishes. And of course, I took pictures of the blue because of how much I love that colour. But Mum liked the green, and the purple was very pretty as well.
But I didn't take that many pictures, due to the saleslady watching me suspiciously. Honestly, I was only taking pictures, not stealing the beautiful displays.
And then there was this kind as well. There were plates, bowls, and so on that had little pedestals of clear glass. The only problem I had was that the sets only came in twos and fours.
I wonder how expensive it would have been to get a set for ten...
Kat, you won that round.
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Sighted: Dating Birds
Lance and Theophilus took their good old time on the bikes, and I honestly tried to not go fast. But I soon outdistanced them, and stopped to wait for a few minutes.
Some rustling in the bushes off the side of the road attracted my attention, and I went to investigate.
Why do I never seem to have my camera when I really really need it?
It turned out to be a pair of American Robins, and they seemed to be mating. But the female was being a bit coy... it seemed as though they were attempting to act like dating teenagers.
After five minutes, the boys still hadn't caught up, so I continued on anyways. They'd probably taken a detour, and would catch up with me later, I thought.
About a mile from my home, I saw another mating pair, acting the same way as the first had. And then as I turned in on my own lane, yet another couple were doing it.
So is this why girls are sometimes called chicks?
Bring on the Warriors
Several years ago, I was reading about Jason and the Argonauts, and fell in love with mythology. I watched and read everything that I could get my hands on and my parents would allow. I stumbled across a theory of the golden fleece, and thus Medea, being from Georgia. Now the only Georgia I'd ever heard of at that point (being just a third grader) was a state down south that most likely suffered from cockroaches. Being me, I did some research in one of the old encyclopedias and soon decided that I wanted to go to Georgia. Later on, Theophilus was kind enough to burst my bubble and tell me that I wouldn't be able to go, since it was half-way across the world and hard to get a visitors' visa. So I moved on with my little third grade life, but never quite forgot the interest I had in that country.

Then Mum came home, and the two boys had to watch the videos with us again. Lance decided that he wanted to be able to use a quarter-staff like they did, and Harrison said he was going to have one of their training knives. I'm not sure which part Theophilus liked best. I certainly liked everything (including the guys doing it!). But Mum came and sent all the boys outside, and I returned, rather preoccupied, to my knitting.
A while later, I heard from them that they had been playing that they were Georgian Warriors. Perhaps it was just Theophilus' way of showing them how to javelin properly, or sling stones, or block blows, or wrestle and thus defend yourself. But I say, if it takes being Georgian, I'm going to dream of going to Georgia again.
Friday, 16 May 2008
Spring Has Sprung!
This is my King's Crown plant. I'm immensely proud of it. About eight years ago, I was visiting a friend and she showed me this plant. Hers was dying and she informed me that almost no one could get them to grow in Alaska. I was determined to try, because I was intrigued by the uniqueness of this plant. So she gave me a cutting, and my little patch continues to come back every spring, and usually doubles every year. These are about two inches tall now, and by the end of summer, I hope they'll be about eight or nine.
What joy is mine!