Wednesday 25 February 2009

Watch Out Birds!

Today, I got the job of cleaning our windows. We have rather large windows in our front parlour, and they look out over our deck.
Mum and I both love birds, and she has put up many little bird feeders and dishes so that we can sit in the parlour and watch them. However, when the window is dirty and smudged, it's rather difficult.
So, I cleaned them. They look much better... only now I'm ridiculously worried that some bird is going to get killed from flying into our window. 
Well, at least I'll have fun watching the cat go crazy at the sight of all the birds cavorting around outside. 


  1. That was the sad fate of a bird that flew into our glass patio door. And we don't even have any feeders. Well, we used to have one on the front of our house, but the seeds fell out and started sprouting. >.>

  2. Three woodpeckers died smashing into a neighbor's window when I lived in Oxford . . . Their living room must have looked really tasty or something.

    Bird feeders should prevent birdie deaths, I think, as they would slow down to land on the feeders?

  3. Rivka- I think the sprouting seeds are cool though! I hope none of our birdies fly into our door and die...

    Jhaniel- I wouldn't know if my living room is tasty... I'll leave that one there.
    I don't know if the feeder help... they go into the window as they take off sometimes.



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