Saturday 14 February 2009

A Day in my Life

It was about eight thirty when I actually got up, after initially waking up at six and deciding that Saturday was a good day to sleep in. Mum and Dad were already awake, so after getting my first cup of coffee, I settled down to read a few blogs and ease into the morning.

After a little while, I went and did a little work in my room, which I'm re-organizing, but didn't finish. Around ten, I headed up to the kitchen
and made some chocolate biscuits for the long rehearsal that I knew was going to make me very

Once the cookies were finished, I gather up all my stuff and at noon, I headed into town to start my day of rehearsal for Oliver. However, I gave myself plenty of before-hand-time, because I was going to pick up my sandals from the shoe-repair shoppe. As I drove through town, I wished I'd stopped and taken a picture, but instead, I'll just say that one of the signs showed us at fifty degrees fahrenheit. That never happens in February in Alaska.

Of course, when I got to the repair shoppe, it turns out that they closed for a special meeting of sorts for just that afternoon. So, I headed over to the frozen beach and walked around. It was nice and sunny and I loved the way the ice floats were shaped and so rambled about with my camera.
The tide was out, so the ice-sculptures were amazing!
I loved this little reflecting pool. It was like something out of a fairy-tale. :)

Here you can see how the water eroded away a bit of the ice. It was fun climbing around on this... like going through an ice palace.

You can't really tell, but this chunk was easily about two or three times as tall as I am. After taking this picture, I actually scaled the ice-wall, and got my sandals full of crystalized snow.

And of course, when I got to the top, I took this photo of the mountains. It was amazingly clear, but I wished I had Dad's camera with his polarized lens. However, my photo shall have to do.

At about one, I went back to the van and drove to the high-school where our rehearsal was going to be. When I got there, I went in and we set up all the chairs and stands in the pit, and then I got grabbed by a couple of stage people who knew me and got to meet everyone and see some of the sets and such. But one thirty, we were down in pit again, and we were talking over the run of the rehearsal. By two, the first tech rehearsal had started.

Rehearsal was nearly six hours long. I was exhausted, stretched, but very elated and now I cannot wait to see how it's going to go together for the next two weekends of shows. Our Olivers (we have two) are adorable, the other orphans... I'd take them home in a heart-beat. And our adult actors are good as well - of course, they don't have the adorable factor going for them.

When I got home, Theophilus called, and we chatted for a bit. Then I got on my computer and read more blogs. I had a few other phone calls, and managed to eat a little as well, before crashing to bed at about ten thirty.


  1. What a fabulous post! I love hearing the details (I'm a little nosey like that :))..... those beach photos are amazing!!! What stunning beauty. Enjoy Oliver! 3 1/2 weeks until Wizard of Oz opens! Yay!!


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