Tuesday 10 March 2009

Reestablishing Meaningful Contact

Yesterday, I met with Halleymarie at our favourite coffeeshop, as she is leaving Alaska for a while, and we've been meaning to have this coffee for nearly three months now. It was wonderful to spend two hours just talking with her, going over similar struggles, hopes and dreams that neither of us talk about often. While we were there, her cousin ran into us, and remarked how it was nice to see us and reminded Halleymarie that she needed to reply to her on myspace, and then complimented me on all the Oliver pictures on my facebook. 
After the cousin left, Halleymarie and I started talking about the decline in meaningful contact, even as sites like facebook and myspace continue to flourish. Both of us feel like there are those around us whom we've become strangers to, and friends who have gone to college that have lost touch, even though we are "internet-connected." 
This energized me to go back to the Chateau and write some letters. Of course, I've been watching Cranford quite a bit recently, so I'm afraid the letters came out rather novel-like, but that's always a good thing, right? She and I agreed (oh Lord! this is going to be harder than I thought) that everyone time we feel like we haven't talked to someone in a while, or we are missing them, etc, we have to write them a letter or invite them for a coffee or something. 
This morning, I took the letters to the post office, and decided to walk them in. Well, I was singled out for questioning, and then this one grumpy old man just looked at me: "You idealistic Jane Austens and Bronte sisters can't bring back the old days. Go text like everyone else." 
I don't know if he knew that his statement only encouraged me to want to write letters more. Of course, I wished I could add it to the letter I was sending to Robin, but I suppose she'll just read about it here. 


P.S. When I got back to the Chateau, I found that Robin's started a new blog. I cannot wait to see more posts! Finally something to do with my hair!

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