Saturday, 30 August 2008
Guest In The Greenhouse
Friday, 29 August 2008
A Little Friend
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Autumn's Arrival
A time for beautiful colours, drifting leaves, chilly wandering winds, and warm blankets. I think if someone asked me right now, I'd say that Autumn is my favourite time of year; but I know that in November I'll likely say that Winter takes that crown. At least I'm always happy with whatever season we're in!
The Deck-Door
The door to the deck creaked open, and we all turned.
Tink rolled her eyes at her cup of tea. "Oh that whiny ole door!"
Tasha Tudor
So here is to Tasha Tudor and the remarkable, simple life that she lived.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Tis The Last Cobbler of Summer
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Word From Hawaii

Monday, 25 August 2008
Of Centrepieces and Randomness
That's when it began. Seeing the glasses and figuring it was okay, Dad added a pack of post-it notes. I - being oblivious - suggested to Mum that we needed to change the centre-piece because it had been basically the same for over a week.
And Mum went random. A few minutes later, I came out to see that she had created her masterpiece: "The Random Centrepiece."
It included: my glasses, one pack of post-it notes, fish food, a roll of tape, a piece of wrapping paper that Belle from home from school, a picture of Mum and Tink (you can't see it in the picture), Tink's doll, a baby blanket, one of Theophilus' work gloves, and the original cloth and flowers.
Naturally, we didn't actually leave the Random Centrepiece there, as my father would probably get worried about me and Mum if we left it until dinner. A bit of searching, and I decided to honour my love of coffee - and Mum's love of flowers. I think this is a little more presentable than the Random Centre, although Mum's is far more original and unique.
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Something Bright on a Grey Day
It's not so bad if the kids leave their toys out on the deck - if they are outside toys to begin with - if it means that it helps brighten my day. And who couldn't help but smile at this swirly-coloured ball?
Oh, and for Marilyn, I believe this post is my equivalent of your "Wild and Precious" post.
Friday, 22 August 2008
A Berry Day
Here I am, showing my half-full bowl of delicious berries. Of course, I ate them liberally too, so my bowl could have been much fuller. Oh well, there's still a lot in there aside from the ones which I so voraciously devour.
Note to self: do not get the prickles embedded in fingers, as it will generally hurt and be highly difficult to remove. But at least my arms are protected. And my bowl too... no little fingers (mine or Tink's) snitching the contents during this photo!
Yes - I let her get the ones closest to the ground. Reason number one, they're closer to her level and so she won't have to reach up to far. Oh yeah, and I won't have to bend down and then wonder how I'm going to get up again!
This is my bowl, after it had been hit hard by me. I can't help it: fresh raspberries have to be one of the best things of late summer/early autumn. I'm looking forward to picking more in the days to come!
Photo credits to Mum today, who found out that she can too take good pictures with Dad's camera! Hopefully she won't be so against taking pictures in the future!
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Camera Captures Kitty
"Are you really taking another picture of me? Well, I'm so pretty, you can't help it, can you? I guess I'll smile and look cute for you."
She's a very photogenic cat, that Noelle. And she stayed still, just like she was posing.
"Now will you leave me alone so I can sleep? It's tiring being so pretty and getting chased by little three year old girls!"
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
When Things Go Wrong
Finally, we were headed home, when the van started acting odd. A little ways after that, we pulled over to the side of the road, and we couldn't get the Sherwood to work. It refused to start. Thank goodness, Dad came soon. However, he couldn't get it started either, so we sat there. In the end, a neighbour of ours, whom we'd never met before, stopped and helped us all get home.
Funnily enough, I wasn't so phased. I just opened up my notebook and actually got a surprising ammount of work done. Maybe I should do that in the future when things go wrong: open my notebook and start writing.
First Day of School
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
What Belle Saw
Monday, 18 August 2008
From The Greenhouse
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Of O'limpitians and Olympians
Flower From Tink
Friday, 15 August 2008
Watching Olympics
But when the Americans begin scoring during beach volleyball, Belle decided it was time to start dancing and cheering for them.
Apparently, even I think it's time. Oh, and this is when one of the Americans dropped the ball and I was getting a bit worried. I'm a competitive cheerer...
Even our pets are watching the Olympics. It's something to "bring families together" as the commericals have said. Over and over again.
Cheers to Team USA!
Road Legal
Not that I'm going to drive all the time now, because I'm spending my evenings at Mount Olympus. I mean, Beijing. Who else is tired of hearing about Phelps while watching completely different sports? (Don't get me wrong, I am hoping that he gets his eight medals. It's not like he's really about to not achieve his golds. I mean, goals.)
Theophilus: Indiana Jones?
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Theophilus Is Off
The last few days have been a little crazy, as he's been packing up his things. However, he seems to have got everything together, and is ready to go off to officially begin college. After all, he's already taken college classes before, so it won't be that hard for him. And it's a nerdy school, so he'll fit right in.
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Making Me Smile
Harrison: Over here!!!
Laura: Where is 'over here'?
Harrison: It's where I am right now!
Also, Mum got a reimbursement check from the program that we were homeschooled through, and couldn't find it. After searching for a while, she found it on the windowsill of her WC.
Mum: I found it!
Lance: Yay!
Mum: Now we can buy school stuff!
Lance: OPA! (Yes, some parts of our life resemble the Greek family from "My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding"... sad, I know.)
Theophilus: Laura is amazing.
Laura: You only say that when I've agreed to do something for you.
Theophilus: Yep, that's when you remind me that you're amazing.
Laura: How are you going to remember my amazingness when you leave for college?
Theophilus: Well... Priority mail means that cookies might still be in good condition by the time they reach Colorado.