Tuesday 2 February 2010

Living Through Loving

Today, in Presentational Speaking, we had to give speeches. Well, a third of the class did anyways.
I spoke about becoming a foster family and how that changed our lives. Anyways, you should have seen the student's faces when I said that my family had taken in so many kids. One girl afterwards said to me, "Isn't it impossible to really love that many? I mean, you kinda run out of love after more than like.... four of them."

I find it very sad that apparently, some people have so little love in their lives. Taking those foster kids taught me to love. It opened me up, and taught me compassion. (Which was part of my speech, as a matter of fact.)
The more you love, the more love you have to give. It was through loving them that I was hurt when they were taken away, that is true. But that same hurt allows me to give more love to more people.
My life certainly would not be the same had my family never taken any foster kids. We aren't heroes. We aren't anything special. We certainly aren't saints or angels for doing it. But we are people who can love. Those kids need love. We could give it.
And for those people who cannot imagine loving and caring for so many people, I only pray that they do learn to love, to live, even if it hurts. Because without that pain, I wonder if they can really be alive.


  1. This is beautiful. Thank you. And I love your last couple lines. Love is worth the hurt, and yes, that's definitely a part of being truly alive. :)

  2. But the hurt is definitely painful. I find it so sad that people have believed this terrible idea that a person, family, can only love so many. I was at the dr's a few weeks ago, with my three, and somehow we got onto the topic of having more. "You want to have more?!" she said incredulously. Think I need a new dr. ;)

  3. Joia-love, I'm glad you read this. Pain is how you know you're alive. It reminds you that love is real. If it wasn't real, you would feel pain from losing something or someone.

    Annie, I know that pain hurts. I agree, get a new doctor! There is no limit on love! There is no such thing as too much love, only too little.


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