Saturday 14 November 2009

A Day in My Life for November 2009

It's been a while since I've done this... but I haven't really forgotten it completely.

This morning, I woke originally at about five thirty, to eat a quick breakfast and take my medications. Since Merry was still sleeping, I went to the floor's study room and read for a little while. (Psalms, for Katana's sake, and because I'm probably going to have to write another paper on them for Biblical Literature here soon.)

However, I was still pretty tired, so at about six thirty, I went back to bed. I ended up sleeping until about nine thirty, at which point I decided to make another apple cobbler. This time, I made the large pan, but with a different recipe, and then the small pan with my regular recipe. I find that the newer recipe made the top be really crisp and brown, so I don't think I'll be making it again. But I have plenty of guy friends who will likely not care a bit about that and eat it all for me. :)

Much of the morning was taken up with paring and spicing the apples. Then, around noon, my grandfather dropped by for a few minutes with some of my warm clothes that I got thrifting two weeks ago and my Gramma had altered for me. (Thanks Gramma!) I did a little bit of work for calling from about 12:15 till maybe ten minutes before one. After I'd finished with that, I went back to the dorm kitchen and baked the cobblers. After they were both finished, I cleaned up the kitchen, then went back to my room to let them cool.

Since I'd had a crazy busy week, my room was in a state of entropy. I rectified that and then settled down for a lovely Saturday afternoon nap. Around four thirty (my life revolves around 'thirties' for today...) Teodor called me, waking me up. I headed over to the third floor of the library (which isn't really the library, it's the religion and philosophy department) to meet up with Teodor, Nora and Ben (and JC came later) to watch V for Vendetta. I took the cobblers, and Nora brought some other food.

We invaded the professors lounge and set up all of our stuff. After the movie was over at seven thirty, we all went into the hall and splayed our things everywhere. We stayed there talking until about one in the morning.

And that is just a day in my life here. (Not the staying up till one, necessarily...)


  1. Aw, this post just reminded me that I committed to doing this about a year ago and haven't remembered to do it once. And now the fourteenth is just three days gone, aaagh!

    Would it be acceptable, d'you think, if I wrote my 'Day in My Life' on a day other than the fourteenth? Otherwise I have to wait 'til December, and that means I'll probably forget again :/

  2. Mythopoeia- the point is to journal the day, and so it doesn't matter so much which day it falls on. Just that you do it: as much or little as you desire.
    And I'm thinking of advertising a few days before when I'm preparing to do a ADIML post. ^_^
    Can't wait to read yours!!!


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