So, for the last two months, I've been plagued with migraines- some terrible, and some light enough to allow me to function like they weren't really there. I've tried everything- washing things without scents, non-scented soaps and shampoos, vacuuming and dusting till all little bunnies ran away, walking, no coffee (which made things worse), and everything that I'd learned from that study I did back in senior year of highschool.
"I'll have to tell my mom." Next thing I knew, I was calling her. She said okay. I told Joia. Well, we had already agreed to get together to eat rice at five this afternoon.
"I'll bring scissors. How much?"
Well, it ended up a little over that. Thirteen inches, in the longer part, a little over twelve inches in the shorter sections. And then of course, the trimmings to make it look even.
I really like it though!!! As I get a few more photos tomorrow, I'll show you how it really looks.
And sorry, my hair's not really this dark! All lights but my desk lamp and computer were turned off when I took this photo, and the flash was being silly. And the kitchen light is notoriously dark, I've had people assume that I have dark brown hair when they've met me in there, and half the lights in there aren't working right now.