Wednesday 23 February 2011

Slowing Down

I have felt very run-down these last few weeks, and just haven't given myself the chance to stop. The pressure of work and classes, especially my English class, which is nearly finished, actually.

While I love the class and the work that goes with it, I will be very happy when we're finished in a few weeks. And I have a big project due in that on Tuesday next, just after a long paper due in Social Welfare the night before that.

Everyone at school seems to be getting sick these past few weeks as well, and this morning, I woke up with no voice and a swollen throat. Not quite the best way to wake up, but thankfully, I had no classes today. My boss had rescheduled me to come in on Friday anyways, so I didn't have the leave the house today.

That's right. In the middle of the week, I got to stay at home, work on papers and drink tea. It wasn't a complete break, but it was still nice. And slow. I miss days like this, and I want more like it. I don't like it when my life feels like a train rushing headlong into a wreck.

And just for kicks, I tried out a new scone recipe. I've been trying quite a few of those recently, and either I like the taste and dislike the texture of the dough, or I like the texture and the taste is just not right. Today was no different; the texture was the best I'd ever made, while the taste was more like a cross between sour-milk biscuits and dinner rolls. Edible, but not scones. Anyone have a good recipe they'd like to share?

I'd love more days spent quietly at home, with the time to try out kitchen or craft adventures. But alas, my schooling schedule isn't quite so amenable to that. Perhaps next semester shall fair better, I hope.

For now, I'm off to sleep before early morning classes strike at me again, and I delve into the world of literary analysis on the lyrics of... Mumford & Sons? Oh yes, I do love my English class...


  1. Sweet girl,
    Glad you had the chance to rest. :) Nothing like a day of rest to really rejuvenate you. xxxxxx

  2. I know... t'is lovely to spend a day at home when I'm constantly running into town! :) I'm loving weekends of tea and music, although homework is doing it's best to defeat me.


What thoughts do you have for me?

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