Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage. ~ Catherine Douzel
I know nothing of who this Catherine Douzel is, or why she is considered an authority about whatever it is that she is famous for, but I cannot agree more with her quote. Also, when I search for her online, all I find is this quote, so it may be that this is indeed the reason she is famous.
I suppose many people who know me have suspected, or known, that I love tea. I can hardly drink coffee these days, so tea has taken over my life. Now, I am lost if I don't have a thermos of hot tea with me at school. And if I'm at home and my teapot is empty, I am quite forlorn.
We had a kettle; we let it leak:
Our not repairing it made it worse.
We haven't had any tea for a week...
The bottom is out of the Universe.
~ Rudyard Kipling
On Tuesday, I went thrifting, which is ever so much fun. A friend went with me for a bit, and we had a blast. However, she had to leave a bit sooner than I, and much before I made the loveliest discovery.
Of course I got it. But as I already had a teapot, I felt ever just the tiniest bit guilty. I mean, at home, we have a fancy teapot (from Russia), a white elephant teapot, an old yellow and blue teapot, and then a Chinese teapot. And my blue one - Saminda - that I got when I was in NY.
When I talked with my friend Kaitlyn that night, she mentioned that she also didn't drink coffee, although her whole family did. I asked if she liked tea, and she said that she did, but didn't drink very often because
she didn't have her own teapot.
Now, Kaitlyn's quite happily settled with my thrifted teapot. I suppose I ought to go thrifting with her more often, and next time, we'll both bring along a thermos of tea.