Monday 24 May 2010

Favourite Things: A Day in the Sun

Today was absolutely lovely: sunny blue skies, warm weather with little wind, and to top it off, a day off of work for me.

I cleaned up my room for the first part of the day, along with cleaning my bathroom, which was nearly unspeakable. During the warmest parts of the day, I just sat in the sun, enjoying not doing anything. And hoping that maybe some of my paleness would go away. At moments, I attempted writing a bit, but it was mostly too bright out for me to look at white paper.

I love the sun right now. I have been in dire need of it for the last year. I shouldn't have gone to grey and rainy (or snowy) NY when I was sick- I should have been in Hawaii or Australia. If I were allowed to go out of country for health reasons, I would have chosen Australia in a heartbeat. I'm not sure what restrictions are on travel while sick. But even Hawaii would have been a blast, and it would have been so much healthier. But ah well, that's the past.

Later in the day, I made dinner of roast chicken (after inventing a new seasoning rub for it) and did up some of the dishes. I have a craft plan roaming about my mind right now, which I'll post about if I end up doing it. Also, I'd love to surprise my mother with it, which would be impossible if I mention it here. But at any rate, I'd love to have a vote: if you had handmade hankies, would you rather they were edged with lace, or with ribbon? And would you put any applique or embroidery on it? Or a combination of these? And what size would you prefer? And yes, these do have a purpose, which I'll disclose hopefully in a few days.

Anyways, I'm off to write a letter or perhaps do some ironing, and I'll write again tomorrow as it's my day off again.


  1. I like the idea of a handmade hankie edged with ribbon - lace gets a bit scratchy on the nose! your day sounds lovely Laura. :)

  2. Hmm, I vote lace. I don't think I'd want applique or embroidery on a handkerchief, though--then I'd feel bad about wiping my nose on it. *koff* As to size--maybe 8x8? (Yeah, I just took a ruler and measured a Kleenex. . . .)

  3. Ribbon and embroidery, definitely. I love embroidering things, although I have yet to embroider a hankie (hmm, I wonder why? I keep meaning to!). I do not know about size . . . what Saminda said, I guess.


What thoughts do you have for me?

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