Do you know what it's like to bag 48 four-pound bags of grass seed? Yep, that was me today: scooping it out, weighing it (no more and no less than exactly 4.00), sealing it, pressing out extra air, and then stacking it. I felt like I was going to drown in sacks of the dusty seed. But at least it wasn't running up and down the aisles of the greenhouse with the crazy weekender crowds. And it was very warm today, again, even though when I left home this morning, it was less than promising with clouds threatening to ruin my lovely sunny week.
After work, I went to Mass, then straight to the Lutheran church to meet my parents for the praise service. When I went home, I saw that the rhubarb was coming up nicely and needed to be thinned a little to promote more growth. So, I made the first rhubarb cobbler of the season.
I was planning on taking photos, but it was late and I got going and didn't stop to think about it. But I hope dad likes his surprise of blueberry-rhubarb cobbler when he gets up to go to work tonight. Maybe I'll even eat part of this one.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Grass Seeds and Fruity Cobblers
Saturday, 29 May 2010
It Does Get Warm in Alaska
It decided to get really warm today. Of course, at work, I can't just stop and get cool before going out again. And it was in the ninties, with no breeze in the greenhouse where I was stationed for most of the day. It was very nearly miserable, but me and a couple of the others who worked there made it fun anyways.
The flowers are going crazy up here. The sunlight, and warmth, are doing great things to the outdoors. Everything seems to be full of life and bursting to be doing. I love it, althought I might like a fan to go with it.
The flowers are going crazy up here. The sunlight, and warmth, are doing great things to the outdoors. Everything seems to be full of life and bursting to be doing. I love it, althought I might like a fan to go with it.
Friday, 28 May 2010
Crafty Plans
Well, I ended up getting pretty sick on Tuesday morning, and haven't gotten to feeling much better until this morning. Of course, I'm still not quite normal, but at least I'm improving and going back to work tomorrow.
I ended up getting muslin for those hankies I mentioned, and some ribbon and lace to change things up a bit. Whenever I finish, I'll post photos. I gave up the idea I had for the other project, which is just as well- I'm crazy busy enough as is, I don't need a huge project over my head that I barely know how to do.
But I'm going through books over here, again. It's great to delve back into words. I've missed reading a lot, but it always seems like I don't have nearly enough time for it. Maybe it's because the modern world is filled with technology that saves us time - and consumes the time it frees by distracting our attention spans.
Over Lent, I gave up facebook, and it was very difficult. Now, I'm preparing to do the same again, for June. I'll hopefully finish the sixteen hankies, read more books, work some on my writing, keep on top of my letters, and knit and crochet. Plus work and do things around the house and possibly see a few friends as they get home for the summer break. I don't know how much I'll actually accomplish, but I have ideas in my head that make me create these plans anyways. And I feel like I'm beginning to sense a shape of how I would want my life to be. Of course, I still am chronically confused about college majors, but somehow, that will turn out one day.
I ended up getting muslin for those hankies I mentioned, and some ribbon and lace to change things up a bit. Whenever I finish, I'll post photos. I gave up the idea I had for the other project, which is just as well- I'm crazy busy enough as is, I don't need a huge project over my head that I barely know how to do.
But I'm going through books over here, again. It's great to delve back into words. I've missed reading a lot, but it always seems like I don't have nearly enough time for it. Maybe it's because the modern world is filled with technology that saves us time - and consumes the time it frees by distracting our attention spans.
Over Lent, I gave up facebook, and it was very difficult. Now, I'm preparing to do the same again, for June. I'll hopefully finish the sixteen hankies, read more books, work some on my writing, keep on top of my letters, and knit and crochet. Plus work and do things around the house and possibly see a few friends as they get home for the summer break. I don't know how much I'll actually accomplish, but I have ideas in my head that make me create these plans anyways. And I feel like I'm beginning to sense a shape of how I would want my life to be. Of course, I still am chronically confused about college majors, but somehow, that will turn out one day.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Favourite Things: A Day in the Sun
Today was absolutely lovely: sunny blue skies, warm weather with little wind, and to top it off, a day off of work for me.
I cleaned up my room for the first part of the day, along with cleaning my bathroom, which was nearly unspeakable. During the warmest parts of the day, I just sat in the sun, enjoying not doing anything. And hoping that maybe some of my paleness would go away. At moments, I attempted writing a bit, but it was mostly too bright out for me to look at white paper.
I love the sun right now. I have been in dire need of it for the last year. I shouldn't have gone to grey and rainy (or snowy) NY when I was sick- I should have been in Hawaii or Australia. If I were allowed to go out of country for health reasons, I would have chosen Australia in a heartbeat. I'm not sure what restrictions are on travel while sick. But even Hawaii would have been a blast, and it would have been so much healthier. But ah well, that's the past.
Later in the day, I made dinner of roast chicken (after inventing a new seasoning rub for it) and did up some of the dishes. I have a craft plan roaming about my mind right now, which I'll post about if I end up doing it. Also, I'd love to surprise my mother with it, which would be impossible if I mention it here. But at any rate, I'd love to have a vote: if you had handmade hankies, would you rather they were edged with lace, or with ribbon? And would you put any applique or embroidery on it? Or a combination of these? And what size would you prefer? And yes, these do have a purpose, which I'll disclose hopefully in a few days.
Anyways, I'm off to write a letter or perhaps do some ironing, and I'll write again tomorrow as it's my day off again.
I cleaned up my room for the first part of the day, along with cleaning my bathroom, which was nearly unspeakable. During the warmest parts of the day, I just sat in the sun, enjoying not doing anything. And hoping that maybe some of my paleness would go away. At moments, I attempted writing a bit, but it was mostly too bright out for me to look at white paper.
I love the sun right now. I have been in dire need of it for the last year. I shouldn't have gone to grey and rainy (or snowy) NY when I was sick- I should have been in Hawaii or Australia. If I were allowed to go out of country for health reasons, I would have chosen Australia in a heartbeat. I'm not sure what restrictions are on travel while sick. But even Hawaii would have been a blast, and it would have been so much healthier. But ah well, that's the past.
Later in the day, I made dinner of roast chicken (after inventing a new seasoning rub for it) and did up some of the dishes. I have a craft plan roaming about my mind right now, which I'll post about if I end up doing it. Also, I'd love to surprise my mother with it, which would be impossible if I mention it here. But at any rate, I'd love to have a vote: if you had handmade hankies, would you rather they were edged with lace, or with ribbon? And would you put any applique or embroidery on it? Or a combination of these? And what size would you prefer? And yes, these do have a purpose, which I'll disclose hopefully in a few days.
Anyways, I'm off to write a letter or perhaps do some ironing, and I'll write again tomorrow as it's my day off again.
Favourite Things,
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Pasta ala Laura
Recently, I've been on a pasta kick. I make a pretty good seasoning to go on it, and then drizzle the whole with olive oil.

I could, and have, eat this for a few days in a row.

And yes, isn't this just a lovely mug? I had them made for my parents, but am now wishing I had my own set of custom made ceramic mugs. One day. It's on my bucket list.

I could, and have, eat this for a few days in a row.

And yes, isn't this just a lovely mug? I had them made for my parents, but am now wishing I had my own set of custom made ceramic mugs. One day. It's on my bucket list.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Of Racks, Books, and Cameras
Well, yesterday was my Mum's birthday, which would be the third one since I started this blog. Wow- how the time passes!
Today however was just another work day. Then go to the gym day and love the feel of my muscles complaining that they just can't stretch like that. Before I go and rack them until them can. (I think that this is sounding a bit too Medieval, I'll stop now.)
No matter what my day holds, it's always nice to get into the library for just a few moments in order to get a new book out. Of course, I'm not quite done with the last one I got out, but that's just fine with me. I've only got a bit left of it anyways, and it fills in nicely around Star Trek episodes...
And maybe, at some point in time, I'll name the camera and post photos. I'm actually delaying posting photos until I name it, so if you have ideas, fire away.
Today however was just another work day. Then go to the gym day and love the feel of my muscles complaining that they just can't stretch like that. Before I go and rack them until them can. (I think that this is sounding a bit too Medieval, I'll stop now.)
No matter what my day holds, it's always nice to get into the library for just a few moments in order to get a new book out. Of course, I'm not quite done with the last one I got out, but that's just fine with me. I've only got a bit left of it anyways, and it fills in nicely around Star Trek episodes...
And maybe, at some point in time, I'll name the camera and post photos. I'm actually delaying posting photos until I name it, so if you have ideas, fire away.
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Happy Birthday Blog!
Well. I've made it to two years blogging here! Happy birthday, blog!
To all my dear friends and readers, thanks for staying with me over these years as I learn and grow and go on to discover my life.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Yesterday's Travels
Oh Lordy! I got so busy working over the last few days that I didn't even blog about Mother's Day. Oops! I'll fix that soon. I hope.
Yesterday, Dad and I went to A-Town, since I took the day off work. Of course, that meant we didn't get home till nearly midnight. But we had a fun trip anyways, and I got to go to my beloved bookstore. Also, I got a new camera. And I went with a brick - but it's pretty! I'll write more about him/her later. I'm working on names right now.
On the way home, the wind was really ripping along. One part of the way, called the Arm, is right next to the inlet, so the waves were amazing to watch. The wind just whipped the water into foamy spray on the rocks. It's not something you see everyday, and it was beautiful in a completely wild way.
But now, I'm back home, and had a long day at work again. And it'll be the same story tomorrow. But hey, I got a lovely trip, and beautiful camera, and watched Star Trek and Court Jester, all in one. Not bad at all.
Yesterday, Dad and I went to A-Town, since I took the day off work. Of course, that meant we didn't get home till nearly midnight. But we had a fun trip anyways, and I got to go to my beloved bookstore. Also, I got a new camera. And I went with a brick - but it's pretty! I'll write more about him/her later. I'm working on names right now.
On the way home, the wind was really ripping along. One part of the way, called the Arm, is right next to the inlet, so the waves were amazing to watch. The wind just whipped the water into foamy spray on the rocks. It's not something you see everyday, and it was beautiful in a completely wild way.
But now, I'm back home, and had a long day at work again. And it'll be the same story tomorrow. But hey, I got a lovely trip, and beautiful camera, and watched Star Trek and Court Jester, all in one. Not bad at all.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
This is what I was talking about yesterday with plastics. This woman is truly amazing, and may just inspire me to start going after even more plastics...
Here is a link to Green Sanga, which she mentions in the video. I haven't spent much time on their site, but you can see for yourself what information there is to gleam from them.
Sure, I don't like Oprah, but Beth has a point. Oprah has a large audience, and people, especially women, listen to her. If she starts getting the facts and the photos out there, we might start seeing more change. And I'm up for that.
And now for a little video about how to start reducing a bit of that plastic.... like b.y.o.b.
Have fun!
Here is a link to Green Sanga, which she mentions in the video. I haven't spent much time on their site, but you can see for yourself what information there is to gleam from them.
Sure, I don't like Oprah, but Beth has a point. Oprah has a large audience, and people, especially women, listen to her. If she starts getting the facts and the photos out there, we might start seeing more change. And I'm up for that.
And now for a little video about how to start reducing a bit of that plastic.... like b.y.o.b.
Have fun!
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Our Life in Plastics
Recently, Mum and I have decided to start cutting back on plastics in our life. Whew... do you realise how much comes in plastic?
Bags aren't so much of a concern since I've been doing at least partial b.y.o.b for about three and a half years now. We don't purchase much in the way of processed foods, so that cuts some down there. Not much of our food comes in tons of casing and packaging, so I thought that we were doing pretty good.
Sure, we're not going on a plastic fast like some people do, but it's still amazing how much plastic is in our life. Look around you and see how many things close to you are plastic. (Like the computer keyboard?) Now look in your kitchen. Bottles, bags, containers, and more.
It feels good to cut down on plastics, and to get rid of as much of them as possible. I don't think we'll ever completely get rid of all our plastic belongings; there is too much plastic in everything to make that possible. Even if we wanted to, it's hard to find some articles that do not contain some sort of plastic in at least part of it.
However, I did add just a bit of plastic to my life. It's actually just a bit smaller than my thumb. And I used it tonight scan it in when I went to the gym, and then Halleymarie proceeded to kick my butt and kill me. For two hours. Yes, I worked out tonight for the first time in just about forever.
I feel great. And very, very sore.
Bags aren't so much of a concern since I've been doing at least partial b.y.o.b for about three and a half years now. We don't purchase much in the way of processed foods, so that cuts some down there. Not much of our food comes in tons of casing and packaging, so I thought that we were doing pretty good.
Sure, we're not going on a plastic fast like some people do, but it's still amazing how much plastic is in our life. Look around you and see how many things close to you are plastic. (Like the computer keyboard?) Now look in your kitchen. Bottles, bags, containers, and more.
It feels good to cut down on plastics, and to get rid of as much of them as possible. I don't think we'll ever completely get rid of all our plastic belongings; there is too much plastic in everything to make that possible. Even if we wanted to, it's hard to find some articles that do not contain some sort of plastic in at least part of it.
However, I did add just a bit of plastic to my life. It's actually just a bit smaller than my thumb. And I used it tonight scan it in when I went to the gym, and then Halleymarie proceeded to kick my butt and kill me. For two hours. Yes, I worked out tonight for the first time in just about forever.
I feel great. And very, very sore.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Happy Birthday Saminda!
Well, it's actually only the third of May here in Alaska, but it is already the fourth in Australia, so I'm just wishing a very happy day to dear Saminda. She is such an inspiration and encouragement in my life, I really am so thankful that I got to meet her - through this wonderful world of blogs.
But now, I have to scoot and go back to cleaning before we have a crowd at our house tonight! Cheers and many happy returns!
But now, I have to scoot and go back to cleaning before we have a crowd at our house tonight! Cheers and many happy returns!
Saturday, 1 May 2010
May First!
It's May? When did this happen? How?
Yesterday, I spent the morning in town, having an interview and joining a gym. And hearing Fireflies at every single stop I made.... It's almost creepy to go to three places in a row and walk in to the same song being played on the overhead. Hmm.
But the good news is that May First has dawned gorgeous, sunny and promisingly warm. And I sent off two letters, and have another two that need to be finished and sent. Plus, I get to read more Pasternak today, which makes my heart happy. Mum is reading up on cutting plastics out of our life, and I'm on the old computer which may or may not decide to delete this post for the third time. :-)
I wish I had Aramis around so I could be out shooting photos of the lovely buds on trees, the mountains, the starts of plants in the woods and fields. But unfortunately, I have had to give up any hope of finding him. And I am not sure of what sort of camera I'll get to replace him. (Canon? Nikon? Small one? Heavy brick?) Not that I could load photos on this computer anyway...
I'll hopefully write you more later, and maybe even get some photos posted. (If I take Dad's camera and use that instead, even though it's huge and heavy.) For now, I think I'm heading out to enjoy the sun.
Yesterday, I spent the morning in town, having an interview and joining a gym. And hearing Fireflies at every single stop I made.... It's almost creepy to go to three places in a row and walk in to the same song being played on the overhead. Hmm.
But the good news is that May First has dawned gorgeous, sunny and promisingly warm. And I sent off two letters, and have another two that need to be finished and sent. Plus, I get to read more Pasternak today, which makes my heart happy. Mum is reading up on cutting plastics out of our life, and I'm on the old computer which may or may not decide to delete this post for the third time. :-)
I wish I had Aramis around so I could be out shooting photos of the lovely buds on trees, the mountains, the starts of plants in the woods and fields. But unfortunately, I have had to give up any hope of finding him. And I am not sure of what sort of camera I'll get to replace him. (Canon? Nikon? Small one? Heavy brick?) Not that I could load photos on this computer anyway...
I'll hopefully write you more later, and maybe even get some photos posted. (If I take Dad's camera and use that instead, even though it's huge and heavy.) For now, I think I'm heading out to enjoy the sun.
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