Saturday 17 April 2010

Losing Sight of the Big ... Camera?

No, I haven't lost sight of the big picture. I think... But I have managed to lose a camera while I was at it.

I really miss having my camera to capture the moments of my days. Yes, it's been two weeks now that Aramis has been missing. I'm pretty much giving up on ever finding him again. It's sad, because I am now limited to using my father's camera. I know it's better than Aramis (who was a dearly beloved point-and-shoot basically), but still, it's not as handy to be carrying around an SLR brick for snapping shots of the little things that I notice in my day.

So, now I'm going to have to look at getting a new camera. And what sort it will be will depend on whatever it is that I'm going to be doing with my life this fall. At this point, I don't really want to think about that, I don't care, and it doesn't even feel like I have any say in that anyways.

You'll have to forgive me for not posting photos, and thus not posting as much about my day-to-day life. I really think that's why I've been linking so much to music lately, rather than writing actual bits about life. Plus, I'm not really that interesting, especially when I'm feeling a bit out of it. I promise I'll get back into it all here soon. There are several posts bouncing around my head. About sustainability, about the lifestyle I am trying to live. About jumping off the gerbil wheel of the consumerist society that I am surrounded by, and trying to live deliberately and with nature. About trying to reduce processing, waste and environment-damaging toxins in my life. About composting, forests, plants, and my love for natural fibres and materials. About slowing down and learning how to breathe again after my time in the fast-paced, earth-forgetting world of New York.

All those posts are running like crazy in contrasting circles about my brain. Along with several stories, poems and songs. If only I had the motivation to actually write them. Which is also missing in other areas, like knitting (gasp!) and reading. Sometime soon, this being sick has just got to stop.


  1. I would love to hear those posts Laura - they sound all like things I think about too. :) xo

  2. Well, I have some pretty major decisions to make in the next few days, and so once those are made and I have a basic plan worked out so it's not taking all my brain power just in making plans, I'll write up some of those posts.
    I'm glad to know that I am not alone! Thanks!


What thoughts do you have for me?

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