Sunday 23 August 2009

Missed Opportunities

Why Laura Should Always Make Sure Her Phone Is Charged

But the first title is shortest, so I'll use it anyways. On Friday, my grandmother and I went to southern Pennsylvania to see Sight and Sound theatre. Now, my dear friend Kat lives not so very far from there, but I knew already that she was in Arizona, and she'd told me she wasn't getting in for a while. (I thought on Monday, or some thing like that...)
Sometime Saturday morning, or perhaps even Friday night, my cellphone ran out of batteries and the charger was at my grandmother's house. I didn't think much of it, since I was pretty sure that no one was going to call. I had a blast looking in the shops and seeing the play and the ride back was beautiful. (I entertained myself with looking at the hills with trees all the way to the top that had no mountain ranges behind them. Till Gramma informed me that those were the mountains. Oops.)
We got back to Buffalo very very late, but I thought I ought to at least start charging my cell. After a few minutes it beeped irritably at me, and I stumbled out of bed and saw that I had a few messages waiting. (Yes, Mum, Dad, thanks for the info!)
One of them was from Kat, informing that she'd got back to PA, and was wondering where exactly I was, and when I'd be in her area... from quite early in the afternoon. If my phone had been on, we probably could have stopped in and seen her.
I'm still berating myself for missing this chance to finally meet her. I can't even take comfort in coffee right now.
I guess I'll always make sure my phone is charged now, won't I?

1 comment:

What thoughts do you have for me?

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