It my brother Theophilus' birthday today, as well as my dear friend Eddie. So, in case they're reading, happy birthday!
On another note- I've prepared a speech for tonight on Winston Churchill's "Fight on the Beaches". Last night, I found a recording of some of the key parts of the speech, twelve minutes, so roughly half of the brilliant speech. And now I'm on a Churchill buzz.
Then I ran into my teacher, and he informed me that he would love the speech, but I should be prepared for the fact that half the class would never have heard of this speech, and the other half wouldn't know who Churchill was.
Isn't that just a sad statement on the American education system? Oh well, I'll just go read some more of his books and dream of a reformed school system. At least I get to have a bit of a fun time in speech tonight, with one person to understand what I'm saying. Unfortunately, I have Spanish between now and then.
More posts heading tomorrow!