Last weekend was Homecoming at HC... which meant absolute craziness. For the most part, it was fun and I enjoyed myself. But I'm still rather glad it's over now.

Here are some of the girls I spend a bit of time with, including the second from the left, Esther, who not only lives on my floor, but is also going to London with me. :) And then, there's Chad, the Venezuelan/Thai physicist from Chicago.

Yes, that's me, and one of the Canadians, she also lives on my floor.

We even had bagpipers for the parade on Saturday! Okay, so that's not so unusual given that our mascot is the Highlanders... but really, three bagpipers playing at seven thirty in the morning was pretty impressive.

Okay, so Carter is one of my favourite people on campus, so naturally I had to show my favourite photo of her and I together! This one was also at the dance.
Mum, I want Carter to be my sister- any more room?
Pipers! Actually, here at the campus park-and-ride, I once saw a guy standing at the edge of the lot practicing the bagpipes, so at least Houghton doesn't quite have a monopoly on coolness in that respect. xD That's some pretty mad hair on the physicist, though.