Sunday 11 October 2009

Procurement of Kitcheny Items

So, the last few weeks at school, I've been having a blast, but have had just one problem that refused to leave me alone.
I was losing weight a little too fast. I've never been fast at gaining weight; it's hard for me to maintain. So about two weeks ago, I started to force myself to eat more. The results of that are less than pleasant, and I shall leave most of those adventures unspoken.
It became more serious for me when even friends of mine started mentioning that I was looking a bit thinner than I had when I first arrived at school. Then I realized that my pants were more than roomy about my waist, not to mention almost all my clothes looked baggy to some extent.
I finally decided that I'd have to start making some food to compliment the three meals I eat at the cafeteria. The doctor here added that especially with my medications, I had a lot of limitations on the food here, and that I should eat more than three meals a day. Five or six would be ideal. Of course, since I hadn't planned on this at the beginning of the semester, I was not in the possession of any sort of pots or pans. Or really any ingredients had I owed those aforementioned pots and pans.
However, I have been going to a nearby town for church on Sundays with two girls from my floor. They told me that at a certain thrift store, I could easily buy what I needed, and then get some basic groceries to supplement my diet.
This morning, I headed in there, and thirty three dollars later, I was the proud owner of a saute-frying pan, two saucepans, one Dutch oven/stew pot, four wooden spoons, four stirring spatulas, one frying spatula, one baking sheet, and four Tupperware containers. Not to mention the milk, eggs, canned soups, salt, flour, sugar, egg noodles, baking power, bread, butter, and cough drops.
Next week: regular frying pan and a mixing bowl/measuring spoons and a tea kettle. Perhaps ginger, vanilla extract, cinnamon and cloves. (And maybe measuring cups if Mum can't find mine and send them to me?)
I've been happy and bubbling all day since. Amazing what the procurement of kitcheny items can do to brighten my day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Laura, you cannot survive on cafeteria food, no way!!! I'm so glad you have your kitchen essentials to start doing some cooking for yourself, that will be very homely I am sure! :) And yes, you should be eating 5 to 6 meals a day, definitely. :) Have fruit or baking or yoghurt or nuts etc. for the 'extra' meals and you'll be smooth sailing. :) Take care,
    Saminda. xo


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