Friday 1 May 2009

May 1st: College Decision Date

Okay, not like there was much doubt. But in case anyone missed it.

I am going to HC this fall!

Oh yeah, and it's May Day today! Happy May Day everyone, and I hope you saw some flowers or danced or did something slightly crazy but fun! I was given a lilac pansy at work- and I love it. Being the Purple Girl is so much fun.

And in celebration: I bought myself new purple garden-rubbers. I think I like them. I feel like a little kid, looking down to see how pretty my feet look. Hm... let's hope they keep the blisters far away from me!

By the by, this is my three-hundredth post! *wild gasp ensues* How have I actually managed to find anything to say worth three hundred posts? :)


  1. 300th . . . whoa . . . Even scarier is the thought that I've read them all, hehe.

  2. Happy 300th! Mine is fast approaching also! :) Your weather sounds divine. So do your purple garden-rubbers. ;) Are they gumboots? (wellingtons?)

  3. Wow, looks like double congratulations are in order. So, Congratulations and Congratulations again!


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