Monday 4 May 2009

Happy Birthday, Saminda!

It's a day late, 'cause I live in Alaska... and I had to work yestereday... but...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAMINDA!!!! I've loved getting to know you over the last year- reading blogs and commenting, and now on facebook getting to see a little bit more of your life. (So exciting and different from my own!)

I'm working on that present for you still (it takes awhile when I'm working...) and hope to have it finished soon. It's of course, too late for your birthday, but who says Christmas isn't a good time for these things?

Anyways, I hope you had a lovely, wonderful birthday, and I'm so happy to have met you! Happy Birthday, Saminda!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oooo, how lovely!! I just hopped on to your blog to check what's going on in your world (my time's been a bit more limited this week) and look what I found!! Likewise, to all of the above. ;) I have these strange ideas that we'll all travel up to Alaska one day to meet you! My kids are forever asking 'when can we ever go and see snow?' - you've got some snow in Alaska, right? ;) Hehe. Anyway, it's been a delight getting to know you through your lovely, youthful, musical, literary, whimsical, blog. :) Hope you're having a GREAT week.
    Love, Saminda.


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