I'm done with Communications, for all it's worth. I gave my final speech on punctuation. And got an A. From a teacher who practically never gives out As.
But I assumed that all my classmates would fall asleep; after all, not many people actually
care about punctuation, much less about the history of how punctuation came to be.
Like this \, called a virgule, is the original mark. It was the only mark for hundreds of years. Then along came Aldus Manutius and the Printing Press. Viola! All the other punctuation marks come along. (Courtesy of Manutius and Sons.)
And he invented italic print to boot. Gosh, I love that man. He also came up with the smaller style of books which are the precursors of the modern format.
After class, everyone said it was very interesting, and no one fell asleep.
I feel so accomplished. And a lot better about not having quite so much stuff to do as far as homework is concerned.