I took a walk this afternoon, attempting to clear my muddled mind of facts about economics in Kenya, indigenous tribes of the Himelayas, and the meaning of Ezekiel in relation to the epistles of the New Testament. Do you know what those all turn into when you've just seen the doctor for more news about your stomach bug and he gives you a strong dose of meds to help?
Well, you get Nepalese arguing in a crowded market place about the prophets of old and the meaning of life.
Not really. But that's what I kinda felt like after trying to study for several hours. So I went out with my camera, my bag (with a notebook and texts and suchlike...) and my new coat. (That'll be another post.) And I'd talked to Cynthia about taking photos of the pretty colours and where I go on my walks. I also decided to do something I occasionally did with my little sisters. I went "house-shopping".
Basically, you look at all the houses around and decide which ones you like best and which one you would live in if you could. And I found the perfect house for me and the girls. (The one you can kind of see in the middle picture.) I'm going up there again tomorrow with my friend Nora to show her. I think when I'm allowed to live out of dorms, I'll try for that house if I can.
And the best part? Studying went so much better when I came back, and the medications are making me happy.
And I'm going to Gramma's tomorrow!!!